Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You Mean I Have to Study Too?

Aha! I had my first cup of tea in England today. Thanks to Dan and Beth, I've gotten to try Irish tea, and now I've had English as well. It wasn't proper "traditional" English tea (I went for raspberry instead), and I didn't have crumpets with it, but it was still good.

I'm slowly getting into the swing of studying. Somewhat to my dismay, I'm beginning to learn that my museum class is going to necessitate many, many trips to the library. We've got two core textbooks, but then the professor assigns loads of miscellaneous articles and chapters from other books as well. Trouble is, there's just one copy of each of those books in the library and 20 students who all need them in one week's time. Exactly. I'm hoping that at lecture tomorrow the professor will address that issue, and maybe just photocopy the chapters we need instead.

I bought a cell phone yesterday. Or I suppose I should call it a mobile. It's just a cheap pay-as-you-go phone, but I decided to get one so that I'd have it in case of emergency, especially if I go traveling somewhere. The cell phone company that I'm with is Orange, and supposedly they have these "Animal" plans that give you different rewards for buying minutes. The most interesting one was Camel, which lets you call abroad for 6 pence a minute. So it's cool but not something I have to have, seeing as the Skype and Windows Messenger video-calls have been working so well.

Well, it's getting colder here. Time to break out the sweaters and jackets, which is fine by me since I have so many stylish sweaters. ;) Plus I get to wear my Kent sweatshirt. And surprise, I have a picture!


1 comment:

Beth said...

Yes, I am very curious to see what the Professor will say about the readings. I am totally interested in your observations about how study in England is different from the U.S. Do you have as much on-line access to source material as we do here? Keep me posted. You also have to treat yourself to the full English tea soon...Also, what's the theatre scene like there? Any good plays coming up?

Aunt P and the kids are coming for a visit today thru this weekend. I'll post pics for you. We have to get this skype thing going too...we've got an account, so let's talk sometime!