Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween, everybody! I spent a nice night in Canterbury with my flatmates. We had originally planned to go on the Canterbury Ghost Tour (which is something they have every night, not just for Halloween). However, due to a few crossed wires communication-wise and a late start, we ended up a little late for the start of the tour. We hustled around downtown Canterbury looking for the right street, and eventually we spotted a big group of people gathered around a guy in a silly outfit. Bingo. So we joined the crowd and followed the tour to...a car park. Real spooky. The guide stood in the middle and started talking about some ghost activity or some such, but it was really hard to hear anything he said because he didn't speak up and he did that rambling British thing. Plus, since for my flatmates English isn't their first language, it was doubly hard to understand him. And on top of that, it wasn't even scary, like we thought it would be. He kept things really light and told jokes the whole time. So when the tour moved on to another not-so-scary destination, we split off and wandered back to High Street. We found a really nice cafe/bar and sat and had drinks and talked for a while. I think that was much more fun than the tour was.

Halloween seems to be just as big a holiday here as it is in the states. I'd say over half the people we saw in town were in costume, or at least had their face painted. There were lots of zombies and witches, and there were lots of guys dressed like the Joker. I also saw a couple people dressed like the guy from A Clockwork Orange. So dressing up for Halloween seems to be a big thing, but I don't know if the kids here do trick-or-treating at all.

Well, I'm off to London in the morning so I should get some sleep. Good night!

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